“Best” Murder Mystery Parties

Here’s a roundup of murder mystery party games by Hexagamers. They’ve taken a good long look at the various murder mystery companies that you can find on the internet and are trying them out to judge which really are the best.

Happily, we’re in the list – but they have yet to try one of our games. We’re looking forward to their feedback when they do.

Unbiased reviews

One of the things they talk about is the lack of unbiased reviews on the internet. Everyone puts testimonials from satisfied customers on their sites – and we do it here: Your murder mystery stories.

But they do point out the lack of negative reviews. After all, as a company we’re incentivised only to put up the good stories. That’s only human nature, obviously, but it’s not the only story. Most of the time we only receive positive reviews – and I think that’s because if the party has gone well, then people like to share their enjoyment. If it hasn’t gone well, they’re less likely to want to send us feedback.

But the point about unbiased reviews remains.

There are options for unbiased reviews such as Trustpilot, so that’s something we might explore.

Facebook likes

It’s also interesting to see how many Facebook likes the other companies have. We don’t push Facebook particularly hard and so we haven’t chased Facebook likes, but clearly we could do a bit better.

1 Comment

  1. Ryan


    Just wanted to jump on here and say thanks for the mention. We are eager to try out some of your games! We will touch base here afterwards to let you know what our honest thoughts are.

    To anyone reading, we can tell you this… Our first impressions with Freeform Games are great. They enthusiastically answered our emails and were very prompt with their replies. This is usually a good sign of a company that cares about their business and especially about their customers.

    We also had people comment about them on our site, and read some good things on some forums, so we have high confidence (and expectations 😉 ) of Freeform.

    Will touch base here in the future!

    Ryan (from Hexagamers)


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Category: General
Tags: reviews
22 October 2017

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