Here’s an idea that you may wish to include in your game. (Note that if you’ve not played our games before, we suggest that you stick with the basic rules – but if you’re an old hand, go crazy!)
Bit Parts: Use a co-host or two to play the “absent” characters as bit-parts or minor roles. The co-host would play all of the “absent” characters, each of them in short bursts depending on what was going on at the time.
Tips for those playing the bit-parts:
- Remember that you’re helping the host.
- Give yourself plenty of time to read the extra characters.
- Don’t play a single character for very long – you should be prepared to chop and change between the characters.
- Try not to worry too much about solving your goals – your main purpose is to help the “main” characters with their goals.
- Expect for any rules issues to go against your current character. After all, if that one is killed (or locked up, or has all their money stolen) you can simply take your next character.
- It may be useful for you to know some of the rules (such as the combat rules) so that you can help the host when needed.