Freeform Games murder mystery blog

Expanding Casino Fatale for 50 guests

Sometimes we are asked about expanding our murder mysteries to include many more characters than we had originally written. Now, if you need just one or two extra characters, you can use the free extra characters that we and other customers have written for the games. Or you could write your own (and if you send that character back to us and we...

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Rules for Locations

A Heroic Death introduced a new concept for us - locations. And with locations comes rules for using them. We’ve since also use them in Lord and Lady Westing’s Will, and also the 7 expanded characters used for Murder at Sea. While each game will have its own specific location rules to suit that particular game, these are the rules upon which they...

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Fifteen playtest questions

Our next game, A Speakeasy Slaughter, has reached playtesting. It’s been playtested twice, but we want to test it one more time. When we test our games, we are looking mainly for player feedback (as opposed to feedback from the host, which is what we usually get from our customers). Here are the questions we ask our players: Which character were...

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Game layout

We love it when our customers adapt our games and make them their own. We’ve seen bespoke invitations, badges, items, handouts and character booklets. In fact, I think that anything that could be customised has been customised.  Of course, we’re slightly embarrassed that our basic layout isn’t a bit better. But we’re the first to admit that...

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Updating our abilities

This could probably be filed in the “should have done this sooner” drawer. We’ve just finished an analysis of our many and various abilities. We’ve copied all the abilities into a single spreadsheet so that we have everything in one place. ("What's an ability?" you ask. Well, each character in our murder mystery games has three abilities that...

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Telling lies in our murder mystery games

In some murder mystery party games you are instructed not to lie about the details in your background. This is because to solve the murder everyone needs all the clues - but unfortunately my experience is that some people can’t just help themselves, and they don’t always tell the truth. We, on the other hand, are absolutely fine with people lying...

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Clarifying “Information”

We’ve had a couple of questions about “Information” lately, in particular what do we mean when an ability says something like “After talking briefly with another player, you realize that they revealed more than they intended. They must show you their Information.” Of course it’s obvious to us - but that doesn't mean it's obvious to everyone. So...

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