Freeform Games murder mystery blog

Alternate Pickpocket rules

One of our customers, Rob from Canada, wrote to tell us about a variant for our pickpocket rules that he used. Watch out - there's a pickpocket about! Here’s the text that he prepared for those with the pickpocket skill: Your character has the Pickpocket ability. Your ability card shows what you can pickpocket and how many attempts you have...

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Investigating Pickpocket Crimes

Pickpocketing can be a divisive mechanic amongst experienced freeformers (although I’ve never heard any of our customers complain about it). On one hand it’s a useful mechanic for replicating a real-life skill (one that is thankfully rare); on the other hand it can be particularly demoralising to have spent all game trying to get hold of...

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Our standard rules

We use some standard rules in our murder mystery games to cover situations such as combat, poisoning, death and the like. We’ve now made these available in pdf form so that you can share them with your players.

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The three golden rules for hosting a murder mystery game

I talked a couple of posts back about helping to run Cafe Casablanca, but what I didn't talk about is how I used our "three golden rules" to guide my decisions during the game. As our hosts know, we have three golden rules when it comes to hosting a murder mystery game: Is it fun? Will it spoil the game for anyone else? Make it up! The fourth...

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Real-world alternatives for some of our mechanical ideas

We provide safe, simple rules in our murder mystery games, but sometimes it’s fun to make those rules more closely align to the real world. Here are some examples. These first two are from Denise Knebel in the USA. The secret cupboard One of our games (I’m not going to say which) has a secret cupboard which is normally managed by the host. Here’s...

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Rules for Locations

A Heroic Death introduced a new concept for us - locations. And with locations comes rules for using them. We’ve since also use them in Lord and Lady Westing’s Will, and also the 7 expanded characters used for Murder at Sea. While each game will have its own specific location rules to suit that particular game, these are the rules upon which they...

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