Freeform Games newsletter December 2019: Christmas Lies

Welcome to the Freeform Games murder mystery party newsletter!


Welcome to another issue of our occasional newsletter. In this issue, we talk about:

  • Our new game for the holiday season, Christmas Lies

  • Some great ideas for prizes

  • Converting Curse of the Pharaoh

  • The Reality is Murder review

Mo and Steve

Our new game for the holiday season, Christmas Lies

We already had one holiday game – the very popular The Night before Christmas – but it is designed for up to 15 players. What about larger parties?

The answer was right in front of us! We’ve put together a special Christmas version of our classic Hollywood Lies – so take a bow, Christmas Lies!

Our new game for the holiday season, Christmas Lies

We already had one holiday game – the very popular The Night before Christmas – but it is designed for up to 15 players. What about larger parties?

The answer was right in front of us! We’ve put together a special Christmas version of our classic Hollywood Lies – so take a bow, Christmas Lies!

Cover to Christmas Lies, a murder mystery game

It’s award night and Tom Speed’s latest film, Christmas Confidential, has just swept the board and garnered four Santas – for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director and Best Screenplay. Sadly, Tom Speed’s award for Best Actor was accepted posthumously by his friend, Hayden Vicars, as Tom was killed in a driving accident late last night.

Despite this note of sadness, celebrations are in full swing at the Christmas Confidential post-award party. Deals are being cut for future productions and everyone is having a good time enjoying the atmosphere and mingling with Hollywood’s movers and shakers.

Is there anything suspicious about Tom Speed’s death? Who will win next year’s Santas? Find out at Christmas Lies.

Click here to learn more about Christmas Lies.

Prizes Galore!

One of our customers, Kelly from Michigan, has told us of the numerous prizes she uses when she hosts our games. Except where noted, the awards are voted on by the players themselves and tallied at the end of the game.

“We usually try to get all the ballots in by mid-game, but since few obey, we accept them until we have votes tallied. You guys are right, it is a great way to wrap up the evening. People enjoy getting them, and the cost is minimal.”

Kelly does vary the awards depending on the games, but these are the awards that she told us about.

  • Best Dressed (We used do best male and best female – now we are gender neutral and do the top three.)
  • Best Acting (Again we use do best male and best female, but we are gender neutral and do the top three.)
  • Random Award (The person who added something to make the night more fun.)
  • Most Outrageous Player
  • Too nice to be a killer
  • Slimiest Suspect
  • Biggest Ham (Chosen by the photographer who they thought was the most fun when taking pictures.)
  • Best Accent
  • Biggest Badass (Used in A Speakeasy Murder.)
  • Best Dancer (During Lei’d to Rest we had a mid-game hula contest.)
  • Staff Awards (The party hosts chose winners for these two. You can use the most number of nominations from the other players across the other awards, or player who got the most points (see our blog post about Keeping Score), or any other method you want.)
  • Best Newbie
  • Best in Show!

Converting Curse of the Pharaoh

We don’t often see someone heavily converting one of our games to something more suitable for their own group. In this case, Tiggerunner converted Curse of the Pharaoh into something suitable for their “Zeitgeist” campaign (no, I’m not sure what that is).

They reinterpreted Curse of the Pharaoh as The Curse of the Ancients and set it in a railway station rather than an archaeological dig. But apart from that, the game was pretty much the same.

The conversion materials are later posts, and happily it sounds like the game was a success. Click here to read more.

And in case you’re wondering – we’re delighted when our customers do this kind of thing.

The Reality Is Murder

We received a great report of The Reality is Murder from Petter Olsen.

“We just finished The Reality is Murder with 30 players and 2 GMs, and it was excellent! Not sure if the big money prize went to the most deserving winner (or even to the actual winner), but there were certainly enough intrigues, secret identities, extortion, betrayals, love triangles, live TV drama, proposals, and marriages. The “live” TV broadcast that we all contributed to would certainly have been worth seeing; pity that we did not actually film it…”

The Reality is Murder is one of our other new games – this time set on a reality TV show set on a tropical island.

Click here to learn more about The Reality is Murder.


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14 December 2019

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