Game design discussion on YouTube

Game design discussion on YouTube

A Purrfect Murder author discusses larp design Karolina Soltys, author of A Purrfect Murder, appears in this video speaking at the Immersive Experience Network’s Live Immersive Design Symposium in October 2023. Karolina is one of four game designers talking to an...

Freeform Games’ review of 2023

2023 was Freeform Games’ most successful year in sales since we started in 2001. Growth has continued strongly since the end of the pandemic, and our sales have finally beaten our pre-pandemic best. We’ve been doing these reviews since 2013 – you can read them...
Our games by year…

Our games by year…

Following our birthday post last month, I thought it would be interesting to show when we published each game. I’ve excluded translations to keep things simple… 2001 Death on the Gambia by Steve Hatherley 2002 Murder at Sea by Chris Boote (Murder at Sea was originally...
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132 reviews