Freeform Games’ review of 2021

As you might expect, the pandemic dominated 2021 for Freeform Games, but we slowly started to recover from 2020.We’ve been doing these reviews since 2013 – you can read them all here. Online and offline play While 2020 showed a strong interest in playing our games...
Our games by year…

Our games by year…

Following our birthday post last month, I thought it would be interesting to show when we published each game. I’ve excluded translations to keep things simple… 2001 Death on the Gambia by Steve Hatherley 2002 Murder at Sea by Chris Boote (Murder at Sea was originally...

Freeform Games in 2020

Unsurprisingly, 2020 was all about the pandemic for Freeform Games. 2020 had started well, with sales in January and February building on 2019 (which was a good year for us). And then in March the pandemic properly reached the UK and USA and our sales dropped off a...

And now hosts can play too!

We occasionally receive criticism about the role of the host: some people want to be able to host a murder mystery game and play it at the same time. While we’ve written before about hosting and playing our games, it’s not always satisfactory because of what the host...
What Our Clients Say
132 reviews