Murder mystery games for 26+ people

This page lists our murder mystery games for 26+ people. (A heads up – except where noted, this excludes the host.)

These are great for fundraisers or charity events! Click here to learn more about using our games for charity.

Murder mystery games for 26+ people

In alphabetical order.

Cover to A Speakeasy Murder, a murder mystery game

A Speakeasy Murder is a 1920s gangster murder mystery game for 15 to 32 guests and one or two hosts. It is set Fat Stan’s Speakeasy, Chicago, at the height of Prohibition.

Written by Becky Channon.

Recommended for ages 18+.

Cover to Casino Fatale, a murder mystery game

Casino Fatale is a present-day murder mystery game set in a Parisian casino hotel for 15 to 30 guests and one or two hosts. Guests include millionaires, criminals and spies.

Written by Lisa Butler.

Recommended for ages 18+.

Cover to Hollywood Lies, a murder mystery game

Hollywood Lies is a movie themed murder mystery game for 16 to 32 guests and one or two hosts. It is set at a modern-day Hollywood post-awards party, and characters include producers, directors and actors.

Written by Steve Hatherley with DeAnna Knippling.

Recommended for ages 12+.

Hollywood Lies comes bundled with Halloween Lies and Christmas Lies (the same games but with a Halloween and Christmas theme, respectively.

Cover to Murder at Sea, a murder mystery game

Murder at Sea is a 1910s murder mystery game for 17 to 33 guests and one or two hosts. Set on an ocean liner in the Atlantic in 1914, characters include diplomats, dignitaries, and a murderer!

Written by Chris Boote.

Recommended for ages 15+.

Cover to The Reality is Murder, a murder mystery game

The Reality is Murder is a murder mystery game for 23 to 30 guests and one or two hosts and is set on a tropical island during a reality tv show.

Written by Freeform Games.

Recommended for ages 18+.

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