Freeform Games murder mystery blog

Lockdown Way out West

Following on from our last post about running a A Will To Murder in lockdown, we have another lockdown story - Way out West. Paul Barnard used Zoom and ownCloud (a bit like Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive) to run Way out West across five houses. Here's how he did it. Way out West across five houses “With the Covid-19 isolation policies in place it...

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Going online – murder mystery games in a worldwide pandemic

I'm sure I don't need to mention the worldwide coronavirus pandemic currently underway, but please be responsible in organising a social gathering and make sure you follow the latest advice. Playing Death on the Gambia before the days of social isolation Some of our customers are doing that - and still hosting our murder mysteries… A Will to...

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Freeform Games in 2019

We're mid-way through January so it's time to look back and see how the last twelve months have been. I don’t like to do this in December, because the year isn’t fully over and we haven’t tallied all the sales. Death on the Gambia We’ve been doing these reviews since 2013 - you can read them all here. 2019 continued to build on the success of...

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Alternate Pickpocket rules

One of our customers, Rob from Canada, wrote to tell us about a variant for our pickpocket rules that he used. Watch out - there's a pickpocket about! Here’s the text that he prepared for those with the pickpocket skill: Your character has the Pickpocket ability. Your ability card shows what you can pickpocket and how many attempts you have...

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Keeping Score

Every now and again we are asked if we have a way of assigning points to goals so that our guests can keep score. We have never done that, mainly because in our experience is not necessary. We believe you can have as much fun in one of our games if you fail all of your goals, and making it competitive might undermine that. (I do suspect that the...

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132 reviews