Bo’s Davy  Jones’ Locker New Year’s Eve party

Well I finally got to run Davy  Jones Locker. I had it as a New Year’s Eve party and a great time was had by all. My guests were all actors from the community theater here in Roseburg so you can imagine how dramatic the role playing was. In general, let me say that when you have actors, anything is possible and as always they didn’t disappoint. In the end many goals were reached and no one died (there were some stabbings however). Most interestingly, Calico Jack and Mary were able to get/find the treasure and recruit 9 of the guests to their ship. Captain Hargrave, faced with a potential mutiny, also decided to cut a deal with Jack and will commandeer her ship to be part of Jack’s “fleet” of pirate ships. Thanks for everything. Have a great new year.


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