Clare Rogers’ Halloween Lies party

Had a superb time last night playing Halloween Lies.
We’ve done several Freeform Games murder mysteries for my birthday and this year, hubby decided he’d like a freeform birthday too.
We chose Halloween Lies because, being October, we figured costumes and decorations would be easy to find.
We had such a fantastic response, we had to buy the expansion pack (although I have to say, as host this made planning envelopes etc much more complicated and some characters were worried that they didn’t have as much info as others).
The costumes were utterly amazing and, due to the unseasonable weather, much of the game was played in the garden!
I have to be honest and say that folk were not that interested in making movies, but as always the format and fab writing enabled both newbies and old hands to get totally engrossed and people who had never met before were very soon in deep conversation.
I love freeform MM’s – they are the mainstay of some of the very best parties we have hosted over the years. Thank you.
Clare Rogers

Click here to learn more about Halloween Lies.

Halloween Lies is also available in French (as Une Soirée Horrible).

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