James Barnes’ Death on the Gambia party

“The theme of Death on the Gambia really appealed to my wife and I. The props sounded great (poisonous spiders, antidotes, etcetera). We also were interested in a summer weather game, where we could dress in costumes and not be hot and uncomfortable. What could be more perfect than Death on the Gambia as a setting!
“We had not yet played a Freeform game before. This was our first. But, we had played three other murder mystery games from two other companies. Death on the Gambia was ultra enjoyable, it has great complexity and interaction between the characters.
“I cannot say this type of game is for everyone. It takes a lot of care and time to really put on a great party. My wife really enjoys putting things together for family and friends and doesn’t mind spending hours and days and weeks slowly compiling all of the things necessary for a great party (things like, food, props, costume ideas and decorations). But as far as actually being the host of Death on the Gambia, I would say there really isn’t too much you need to keep up with once the party begins. My wife and I both acted as joint hosts (we both played Deckhands) this worked out beautifully for us!”
James Barnes, United States

Click here to learn more about Death on the Gambia.

Death on the Gambia is also available in German as Tod auf dem Gambia.

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