Your murder mystery stories

Your murder mystery stories – stories about your parties.

We love seeing people enjoying our parties. Click here to send us your murder mystery stories and photos.

A Heroic Death murder mystery party photos
Casino Fatale murder mystery party photos
Riccardo Vaccaro’s Way out West photos
Noémi Überhardt’s A Heroic Death photos
Kimberly Menssen’s Way out West party
Melissa Midcap’s The Reality is Murder party
Amanda Guthrie’s Backstage Business party
Gill Chadbon’s Casino Fatale party
The Reality is Murder party photos
István Dobreán’s Way out West photos
Murder at Sea murder mystery party photos
Candy Clouse’s Way out West photos
Kelly’s The Reality is Murder photos
Kate Lovell’s Way out West party
A Speakeasy Murder – murder mystery party photos
Lorraine Shaw’s Way out West party
Miguel Friginal’s Casino Fatale photos
Leslie Hunter’s Way out West party
Stephanie Davidson’s Casino Fatale photos
Bo’s Davy Jones’ Locker New Year’s Eve party
Michele Roberts’ Casino Fatale party
A Dead Man’s Chest murder mystery party photos
Howard & Lynette Webb’s Death on the Gambia photos
Andreah Mathews’ A Heroic Death photos
Kay Fretwell’s Murder at Sea photos
Court in the Act murder mystery photos
Kay Fretwell’s Casino Fatale party
Mike Munoz’s A Heroic Death photos
The Night Before Christmas murder mystery party photos
Tara Laben’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Sandi Smith’s Way out West party
Death on the Rocks murder mystery photos
Melissa Midcap’s The Roswell Incident party
Bonnie Berry’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Deb Scott’s Way out West decor ideas
Lei’d to Rest murder mystery party photos
Bev Postma’s Casino Fatale party
Melanie Westbrook’s Murder at Sea party
Arabian Nights murder mystery party photos
Lorraine Shaw’s A Heroic Death party
Julian Nattress’ A Dead Man’s Chest photos
Curse of the Pharaoh murder mystery party photos
Davy Jones’ Locker murder mystery party photos
Melissa Midcap’s Way out West photos
Christine Finch’s Arabian Nights photos
Hollywood Lies murder mystery party photos
Christine Finch’s A Speakeasy Murder photos
Merle Nicholson’s Way out West party
France Murder’s Le Chalet dans La Montagne party
James Barnes’ Death on the Gambia party
Cindy Fischer’s Way out West party
Freeform Games The Roswell Incident photos
Shannon Janssen’s Murder at Sea photos
Angela Frankosky’s Curse of the Pharaoh party
Beth Allen’s Arabian Nights party
Birgit Janssens’ Casino Fatale photos
Alice Mottola’s Court in the Act photos
Rob Newbold’s A Dead Man’s Chest photos
Tai Polczynski’s Way out West party
Melissa Midcap’s Who Shot the Sheriff photos
Jonobie Ford’s Spellbound props
Nora Francis’ Davy Jones’ Locker party
Melissa Midcap’s Spellbound Spanish exam
Onno Hautzager’s A Speakeasy Murder photos
Melissa Midcap’s Lei’d to Rest photos
Dana Loewen’s Way out West photos
Death in Venice murder mystery party photos
Nora Francis’ Curse of the Pharaoh photos
Kat’s Curse of the Pharaoh photos
Nataliya Chabanyuk’s Casino Fatale party
Cathy Dilt’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Wendy White’s Way out West party
Dawn Troughton’s Hollywood Lies photos
Kelly Whittman’s A Speakeasy Murder party
A Will to Murder murder mystery party photos
Way out West murder mystery party photos
Murder on the Dancefloor murder mystery party photos
Jacqui French’s Way out West party
Lord and Lady Westing’s Will murder mystery party photos
Tara Laben’s Arabian Nights’ photos
Alex’s Way out West photos
Tonya McNamee’s Curse of the Pharaoh photos
Brook M’s Court in the Act photos
Phil Murray’s A Dead Man’s Chest photos
Lisa Perez’s Way out West party
Freeform Games Casino Fatale playtest
Snow Business murder mystery party photos
Lisa Perez’s Spellbound playtest
Nickey Neale’s Murder at Sea party
Lewis Cocks’ Murder at Sea photos
Stefanie Buzan’s A Speakeasy Murder photos
Sydney Boyum’s Way out West photos
Jennifer Vals’ Who Shot the Sheriff photos
Melissa Midcap’s Curse of the Pharaoh party
Francesca Consiglio’s Casino Fatale party
Megan’s Murder on the Istanbul Express 18th birthday party
Sara Lutz’s Lei’d to Rest photos
Sara Lutz’s Way out West photos
Sara Lutz’s Murder on the Dancefloor photos
Debbie Townsend’s A Heroic Death party
Marta Okuniewska’s Way out West photos
Freeform Games’ Arabian Nights photos
Stuart Antrim’s The Karma Club party
Melissa Midcap’s Arabian Nights parties
Richard Russell’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Colleen Giles Shepherd’s Way out West photos
Penny Murphy’s Lei’d to Rest party
Peter Allen’s Bludgeoned on Broadway photos
Rob Newbold’s Who Shot the Sheriff photos
Freeform Games’ Backstage Business photos
Mysterious Moments’ Backstage Business photos
Melissa Midcap’s Backstage Business photos
Amy McClure’s Backstage Business photos
Rasheena’s Backstage Business party
Kelsey Emerson’s Backstage Business party
Wilf Jessop’s Murder at Sea party
Death on the Gambia murder mystery party photos
Tatyana Rasmussen’s Under the Big Top party
Under the Big Top murder mystery party photos
Terence Smith’s Under the Big Top photos
Suzanne Lupo’s Hollywood Lies photos
John Jennette’s Court in the Act party
Christopher Sewell’s Murder at Sea party
Lorraine Shaw’s Davy Jones’ Locker party
Phil Murray’s Curse of the Pharaoh photos
Lisa Perez’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Darah Salmaggi’s A Speakeasy Murder party
The Spy Who Killed Me murder mystery party photos
Justine Smallwood’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Nathanial McConnell’s Death on the Gambia photos
Michélle Adendorff Toxopeus’ Way out West photos
Happy Birthday R.J. murder mystery party photos
Marja Repokangas’ The Karma Club photos
Tenele Robins’ Arabian Nights party
Carol Strevens’ Murder at Sea party
Lisa Perez’s Death on the Gambia photos
Daphne Sajous’ Way out West party
Terence Smith’s A Will to Murder party
Sönke Busch’s A Speakeasy Murder charity party
Jazlynn Steed’s A Dead Man’s Chest party
Melissa Midcap’s A Purrfect Murder photos
Pamela Hoffmann’s A Purrfect Murder photos
Jeremy Gustafson’s A Purrfect Murder photos
Taylor Foster’s Dazzled to Death photos
Freeform Games Death on the Rocks photos
Melissa Midcap’s Death on the Rocks photos
Laura Breeding’s Way out West party
Melissa Midcap’s Death on the Gambia photos
Kimberly Flack’s Death on the Gambia photos
Melissa Midcap’s Davy Jones’ Locker photos
Seth and Jen Deibel’s Davy Jones’ Locker party
Liz H’s Curse of the Pharaoh photos
Melissa Midcap’s Court in the Act Party
Holly Dykstra’s Court in the Act photos
Jennifer Vals’ Bludgeoned on Broadway photos
Freeform Games Bludgeoned on Broadway photos
Lorraine Shaw’s Happy Birthday R.J. photos
Sue Morrison’s Happy Birthday R.J. story
Wendy Larsen’s A Will to Murder photos
Edmund Flanigan’s A Will to Murder photos
Elizabeth Phillips’ Arabian Nights photos
Clare Rogers’ Arabian Nights photos
Lisa Perez’s Arabian Nights photos
Peter Dünki’s Murder at Sea party
Michaela Mrázová’s Murder at Sea party
Kate LeBeau’s A Purrfect Murder party
Lisa Perez’s The Night Before Christmas photos
Terence Smith’s The Night Before Christmas photos
Michaela Mrázová’s A Speakeasy Murder photos
Michaela Mrázová’s Way out West party
Kadri Umbleja’s Way out West photos
Jennifer Vals’ Vanished in Vegas photos
Debi Gilroy’s Under the Big Top party
Doris Arnett-Gary’s Who Shot the Sheriff photos
Terence Smith’s Who Shot the Sheriff party
Kaye Anfield’s Halloween Lies graphics
Clare Rogers Halloween Lies party
Steven Kok’s Hollywood Lies party
Rob Newbold’s Hollywood Lies party
Chris Laws’ A Heroic Death photos
Freeform Games’ Spellbound playtest
Melissa Midcap’s 2020 A Dead Man’s Chest Spanish exam
Melissa Midcap’s 2018 A Dead Man’s Chest Spanish exam
Jennifer Vals’ Lord and Lady Westing’s Will photos
Freeform Games’ Lord and Lady Westing’s Will photos
Sam Wright’s Lord and Lady Westing’s Will photos
Jill Davis’ Dazzled to Death party
Faith Toh’s Dazzled to Death party
Freeform Games’ Murder on the Dancefloor photos
Melissa Midcap’s Murder on the Dancefloor photos
Jost L Hansen’s Reunion with Death photos
Mike Munoz’s Reunion with Death party
A.V.’s The Night Before Christmas party
Shannon Janssen’s The Night Before Christmas party
Melissa Midcap’s The Food is to Die For photos
Sandy Levin’s The Karma Club photos
Melissa Covert’s The Karma Club photos
Desi Staifer’s The Karma Club photos
Mark Rickert’s The Reality is Murder photos
Jeremy Gustafson’s The Reality is Murder photos
Freeform Games’ Murder on the Istanbul Express photos
Mark Jarrell’s Murder on the Istanbul Express photos
Yana Khomchanka’s Lei’d to Rest party
Terence Smith’s Lei’d to Rest story
Peter Rhodes-Dimmer’s Halloween Lies story
Jill Davis’ Under the Big Top party
Lewis Cock’s Hollywood Lies photos
Zoe Butler’s Bludgeoned on Broadway party
Christina Gass’ A Speakeasy Murder party
Freeform Games’ Death in Venice photos
Deborah Grant’s Death on the Gambia photos
Lucy Toleman’s Murder at Sea party
Melissa Midcap’s Vanished in Vegas party
Sienna Packer’s Hollywood Lies party
Tara Laben’s Who Shot the Sheriff photos
Rose Marschall’s Arabian Nights photos
Kellie Vickers-Willis’ Court in the Act party
Kellie Rose’s Curse of the Pharaoh party
Databob’s Curse of the Pharaoh party
Peter Dünki’s Casino Fatale party
Filipe Tavares’ Casino Fatale party
Melissa Midcap’s A Heroic Death Spanish exam
Jared Bredeson’s Under the Big Top party
Sarah Naparalla’s A Purrfect Murder playtest
Mary-Cait’s A Dead Man’s Chest story
Chris Rudrum’s The Spy Who Killed Me story
Leighanna Folger’s Happy Birthday R.J. story
Nathanial McConnell’s Spellbound story
Rachel Foyst’s Way out West story
Grace Ferrari’s Death on the Rocks story
Omar Garcia’s Way out West photos
Theda Lee’s Davy Jones’ Locker story
Riley Walker’s A Will to Murder photos

Stories elsewhere on the internet…

Here are links to webpages talking about our games.

If you’ve uploaded photos, or written a blog , or anything else to do with our games, please send us the link!

Caution: these may contain spoilers, so don’t read them if you’re planning to play the game! 

A Speakeasy Murder

  • Lovely story about a party at The Candy Factory in Pennsylvania.

A Will to Murder

Arabian Nights

  • A terrific video – a great source of ideas for costumes and decor.

Casino Fatale

Court in the Act

Curse of the Pharaoh

Hollywood Lies

Snow Business

Way out West

  • A fabulous pair of posts with inspirational decorative ideas. 


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